Barber Colman GYZJ Barcol Impressor - Operation and Calibration




Simply exert alight pressure against the instrument to drive the spring-loaded indenter point into the material. See the typical readings of aluminum alloys and review the approximate conversion curves for the barcol impressor models. Follow the step by step calibration procedure for the Barcol Impressor. Use the included tool to begin the procedure.
View Operation View Conversion View Calibration


The Impressor is intended for handheld testing of hardness for aluminum and aluminum alloys, soft metals, plastics, fiberglass, rubber and leather. Harder materials cannot be tested with the Impressor. For information on the available models, refer to the current revision of our product guide.

To test a surface, place the indenter point and the leg of the impressor on the same plane of the surface. To insure reading accuracy, make certain that no indentations from previous use are within 1/16th of an inch of the present indenter point position. Readings should not be taken on both sides of the 1/32nd inch-thick test disks. Readings taken on top of old indentations will adversely affect the accuracy of the reading. An ample supply of appropriate test disks should be maintained for these reasons.

Press down firmly, but carefully, on the impressor handle. Observe the indicator, noting the peak reading. For softer materials there will be some falling-off of the reading from the peak value. This is normal and is due to the nature of the materials being tested.

As a general rule, you should increase the number of readings taken as the softness of the materials being tested increases. Refer to the table below for recommended minimal numbers of readings for various materials using the Model GYZJ 934-1. Though specific numbers for Models GYZJ 935 and GYZJ 936 are not included due to correlation difficulties with softer materials, the numbers suggested for reinforced plastics serve as a starting point for softer materials.

The indenter point must always be perpendicular to the surface being tested. To maintain perpendicularity, the leg of the Impressor must be on the same plane as the indenter point, with both flats of the leg touching the same surface. Irregularlyshaped objects to be tested should be mounted in a holding jig to assure that perpendicularity is maintained. For flat objects, a temporary offset of the leg to accommodate the thickness of the part being tested can be obtained by placement of washers of appropriate thickness between the leg and the case of the impressor. Without perpendicularity, accuracy of the reading cannot be assured.

lineRecommended numbers of readings for Model GYZJ 934-1

Reading Range Number of Readings Average Variance of
Homogeneous Material 20 9 0.28
30 8 0.28
40 7 0.28
50 6 0.28
60 5 0.28
70 4 0.28
80 3 0.28
Reinforced Plastics 30 29 0.77
40 22 0.78
50 16 0.75
60 10 0.78
70 5 0.75

lineTypical Readings of Aluminum Alloys

Alloy and Temper: 1100-0 3003-0 3003H14 2024-0
GYZJ-934-1 Reading: 35 42 56 60
Alloy and Temper: 5052-0 5052H14 6061T6 2024T3
GYZJ-934-1 Reading: 62 75 80 85


Approximate Conversion Curves for GYZJ-934-1

Approximate Conversion Chart for GYZJ-934-1 to Brinnell, Vickers and Rockwell


934-1 Brinnell Vickers Rockwell
35 23 32
36 23 33
37 24 37
38 24 40
39 25 43
40 25 25 45
41 26 26 47
42 26 27 49
43 27 27 52
44 27 28 54
45 27 20 56
46 28 30 58
47 29 32 24 61
48 30 33 25 63
49 31 34 28 64
50 32 35 30 66
51 33 36 33 68
52 34 38 36 70
53 35 39 39 29 72
54 37 41 42 33 73
55 38 42 44 38 75
56 39 44 46 40 76
57 40 45 48 43 78
58 42 47 51 47 80
59 44 48 53 49 81
60 45 49 55 51 83
61 47 51 57 54 84
62 48 53 59 56 86
63 50 55 62 58 88
64 52 57 64 61 89
64 54 58 65 63 90
66 55 60 67 65 91
67 58 62 69 67 92
68 60 64 71 69 94
69 62 67 73 71 95
70 64 69 18 74 73 96
71 67 72 19 76 75 98
72 69 74 28 77 77 99
73 71 76 33 79 79 100
74 73 81 39 81 81 101
75 76 85 45 83 83 102
76 80 88 48 84 84 103
77 84 92 52 86 86 104
78 87 95 56 88 87 105
79 90 99 60 89 88 106
80 94 103 63 90 89 107
81 97 108 65 91 90 108
82 100 111 69 92 91 108
83 105 116 72 94 92 109
84 109 122 75 95 93 109
85 113 127 77 96 94 110
86 117 133 80 97 95 111
87 122 137 83 98 96 111
88 126 142 86 99 97 112
89 131 144 89 100 97 112
90 135 91 101 98 113
91 139 102 99 113
92 145 103 100
93 103 101
94 104 101
95 104 102
96 105 102
97 106 103
98 107
99 108
100 108


Approximate Conversion Chart for GYZJ-935 and GYZJ-936 to Type D Durameter

  Type D Durameter   Type D Durameter
GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936
4 64 52 18 67 56
6 65 52 20 68 56
8 65 53 22 68 57
10 65 53 24 68 58
12 66 54 26 69 58
14 66 54 28 69 59
16 67 55      


  Shore (Type) D Durameter   Shore (Type) D Durameter
GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936
30 70 60 44 74 65
32 70 60 46 74 66
34 71 61 48 75 67
36 71 62 50 75 68
38 72 63 52 76 69
40 73 64 54 77 70
42 73 64 56   71


  Shore (Type) D Durameter   Shore (Type) D Durameter
GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 & GYZJ-936 GYZJ-935 GYZJ-936
58 78 72 74 84 80
60 79 73 76 85 81
62 79 74 78 85 83
64 80 75 80 86 84
66 81 76 82 87 85
68 82 77 84 88 86
70 82 78 86 89 87
72 83 79 88 N/A 89


For the GYZJ-934-1

  1. Set the top adjustment nut about 1/16" below the top of the frame.
  2. Calibrate against the 87/89 disk using the bottom adjustment nut.
  3. Calibrate against the 43-48 disk using the top adjustment net.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until both readings are within specifications.

For the GYZJ-935 and GYZJ-936

  1. Set the top adjustment nut about even with the top of the frame.
  2. Calibrate against the test disk using the bottom adjustment nut (#12 Plunger Lock Nut).
