Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench

See More Torque Wrenches

Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench

See More Torque Wrenches
This product has been discontinued

Product Description
This product has been replaced by the TBX Break Over

Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench
A preset production torque wrench with flexibility to adapt to different applications with ability to change different head options. Breaks over upon reaching preset torque and reset automatically.
Torque Ranges from 1.8 - 18 to 354 - 1770

The Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench is a preset production torque wrench with flexibility to adapt to different fastening applications as it is compatible with different head options.The unique break-over mechanism, provides an operator ample time to react once the target torque is reached and to stop applying any additional force to the fastener. Break-over torque wrenches improve control of the fastening process by reducing the risk of both over and under tightening


  • A preset production torque wrench with flexibility to adapt to different applications with ability to change different head options. Breaks over upon reaching preset torque and reset automatically.
  • Tamper-proof internal adjustment. No external adjustment scale - must be preset using a torque analyzer.
  • All models are are fitted with “double positive” torque adjustment locking system to prevent tampering.
  • Compact and well balanced. Ideal for use in restricted areas.
  • Interchangeable Heads for all models are available.
  • MTBN2 & MTBN10 are ESD compliant.

Torque Ranges

Model Item # N.m
MTBN2 020314 1.8 - 18 0.2 - 2 2 - 20
MTBN10 020315 9 - 89 1 - 10 10 - 102
MTBN25* 020491 44 - 221 5 - 25 51 - 255
MTBN25* 020333 44 - 221 5 - 25 51 - 255
MTBN65* 020631 89 - 575 10 - 65 102 - 663
MTBN65* 020353 89 - 575 10 - 65 102 - 663
MTBN135* 020632 177 - 1194 20 - 135 204 - 1377
MTBN135* 020354 177 - 1194 20 - 135 204 - 1377
MTBN200* 020642 354 - 1770 40 - 200 408- 2039

Model Item # Drive Type Wt. oz. Wt. gm Break
MTBN2 020314 Captive Pin 3.9 110 20° or 90°
MTBN10 020315 Captive Pin 4.6 130 20° or 90°
MTBN25* 020491 16mm Spigot 14.3 405 20°
MTBN25* 020333 Dovetail 14.3 405 20°
MTBN65* 020631 16mm Spigot 26.5 750 20°
MTBN65* 020353 Dovetail 26.5 750 20°
MTBN135* 020632 16mm Spigot 36.4 1030 20°
MTBN135* 020354 Dovetail 36.4 1030 20°
MTBN200* 020642 16mm Spigot 49.4 1400 20°

*MTBN 25, 65, 135 operate in single direction (clockwise).

Break Diagrams

MTBN2 and MTBN10 are supplied with a removable collar, which restricts the break angle to 20°. If the collar is removed, the break angle increases to 90°

Interchangeable Heads (Captive Pin Models)

For use with Capacitive Pin Models (MTBN2, MTBN10) 


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
020415 5/32 " 10 N.m 020404 9/16 " 10 N.m
020411 3/16 " 10 N.m 020409 5/8 " 10 N.m
020414 7/32 " 10 N.m 020418 11/16 " 10 N.m
020401 1/4 " 10 N.m 020397 3/4 " 10 N.m
020402 5/16 " 10 N.m 022225 13/16 " 10 N.m
020403 3/8 " 10 N.m 020423 7/8 " 10 N.m
020407 7/16 " 10 N.m 020425 15/16 " 10 N.m
020408 1/2 " 10 N.m 022475 1 " 10 N.m


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
022000 3.2 10 N.m 020432 15 10 N.m
020429 5 10 N.m 022070 16 10 N.m
022015 5.5 10 N.m 022075 17 10 N.m
020430 6 10 N.m 022080 18 10 N.m
022025 7 10 N.m 022085 19 10 N.m
020427 8 10 N.m 022090 20 10 N.m
022035 9 10 N.m 022095 21 10 N.m
020508 10 10 N.m 022100 22 10 N.m
022045 11 10 N.m 022105 23 10 N.m
020431 12 10 N.m 022110 24 10 N.m
022055 13 10 N.m 022115 25 10 N.m
020428 14 10 N.m      


Box End


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
022400 5/32 " 10 N.m 022440 9/16 " 10 N.m
020405* 3/16 " 10 N.m 020417 5/8 " 10 N.m
022410 7/32 " 10 N.m 021116 11/16 " 10 N.m
020396 1/4 " 10 N.m 022455 3/4 " 10 N.m
020424 5/16 " 10 N.m 022460 13/16 " 10 N.m
022425 3/8 " 10 N.m 022465 7/8 " 10 N.m
020422 7/16 " 10 N.m 022470 15/16 " 10 N.m
020421 1/2 " 10 N.m 022475 1 " 10 N.m


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
022250 3.2 10 N.m 022315 15 10 N.m
020528 5 10 N.m 022320 16 10 N.m
022265 5.5 10 N.m 022325 17 10 N.m
022270 6 10 N.m 022330 18 10 N.m
022275 7 10 N.m 022335 1 10 N.m
022280 8 10 N.m 022340 20 10 N.m
022285 9 10 N.m 022345 21 10 N.m
022290 10 10 N.m 022350 22 10 N.m
022295 11 10 N.m 022355 23 10 N.m
022300 12 10 N.m 022360 24 10 N.m
022305 13 10 N.m 022365 25 10 N.m
022310 14 10 N.m      


Flare End


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
022600 1/4 " 10 N.m 022625 9/16 " 10 N.m
020426 5/16 " 10 N.m 020463 5/8 " 10 N.m
020420 3/8 " 10 N.m 022635 3/4 " 10 N.m
020419 7/16 " 10 N.m 022640 7/8 " 10 N.m
022620 1/2 " 10 N.m 022645 1 " 10 N.m


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
022505 8 10 N.m 022540 15 10 N.m
022510 9 10 N.m 022545 16 10 N.m
022515 10 10 N.m 022550 17 10 N.m
022520 11 10 N.m 022555 19 10 N.m
022525 12 10 N.m 022560 22 10 N.m
022530 13 10 N.m 020496 23 10 N.m
022535 14 10 N.m 022565 24 10 N.m


Ratchet, Fixed and Blank Ends

Ratchet End
Item # 020399
Square Drive Size: 1/4"
Fixed End
Item # 020395
Square Drive Size: 1/4"
Blank End
Item # 020400


Hex Key Adapters 

Allows the use of hexagon keys to be used with MTBN2 and MTBN10 wrenches. Hex keys can be inserted into adapter and secured with a locking screw. 

Note! Hex keys are not included with the adapter.

Item # 020619 020646 020614
Hex Key Size 1.0 - 2.5 3.0 - 5.0 6.0 - 8.0

Interchangeable Heads (16mm Spigot Models)line

For use with 16mm Spigot Models (MTBN25, MTBN65, MTBN135, MTBN200) 

Open End 


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
040047 1/4 " 7 040073 7/8 " 230
040048 5/16 " 13 040055 15/16 " 281
040072 3/8 " 21 040305 1" 330
040049 7/16 " 32 040306 1 1/16 " 330
040050 1/2 " 48 040327 1 1/8 " 330
040051 9/16 " 67 040716 1 3/16 " 330
040052 5/8 " 90 040315 1 1/4 " 330
040053 11 / 16 " 118 060375 1 5/16 " 330

3/4 "

150 065433 1 1/2 " 330
040304 13 / 16 " 187      


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
040407 7 9 040419 19 149
040410 8 13 040420 20 172
040411 9 19 040421 21 196
040412 10 25 040422 22 225
040413 11 32 040423 23 255
040414 12 41 040424 24 287
040415 13 51 040425 25 322
040416 14 63 040409 26 330
040417 15 77 040110 27 330
040105 16 92 040650 30 330
040106 17 107 040107 32 330
040418 18 128 040111 36 330


Box End


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
040056 1/4" 25 040064 3/4" 305
040057 5/16" 35 040065 13/16" 330
040058 3/8" 42 040066 7/8" 330
040059 7/16" 73 040307 15/16" 330
040060 1/2" 115 040067 1/" 330
040061 9/16" 170 040308 1 1/16" 330
040062 5/8" 226 069712 1 1/8" 330
040063 11/16" 260      


Item # Size Cap. Item # Size Cap.
040476 7 25 040435 17 201
040426 8 35 040436 18 230
040427 9 45 040437 19 261
040428 10 52 040438 20 294
040429 11 73 040439 21 330
040430 12 89 040440 22 330
040431 13 107 040441 23 330
040432 14 128 040442 24 330
040433 15 150 040443 25 330
040434 16 175 040478 27 330


Flare End


Item #SizeCap.Item #SizeCap.
040449 15 38 040555 27 150


Ratchet, Fixed and Blank Ends

Ratchet End
Item # 040039G
Square Drive Size: 3/8"
Capactiy: 100 N.m
Ratchet End
Item # 040040G
Square Drive Size: 1/2"
Capactiy: 330 N.m
Fixed End
Item # 040085
Square Drive Size: 3/8"
Capactiy: 100 N.m

Item # 040086
Square Drive Size: 1/2"
Capactiy: 330 N.m
Blank End
Item # 040069


Hex Key Adapters

Allows the use of hexagon keys to be used with MTBN2 and MTBN10 wrenches. Hex keys can be inserted into adapter and secured with a locking screw. 

Note! Hex keys are not included with the adapter.

Item # 020655 020656
Hex Key Size 2.5 - 5.0 6.0 - 8.0


Handing Loop for MTBN 

Replace the end cap of the MTBN with a “Loop” end cap for hanging the wrench safely when it’s not being used. Sold separately.

Item #ModelItem #Model

MTBN Dovetail End Fittings 

The break-over wrench models with this drive type can used with Sturtevant Richmont heads..


Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench - Data Sheet
Mountz MTBN - Break-Over Wrench - Instruction Manual