Magnetic Particle Inspection MPI Coils

Western Instruments range of Magnetic Particle Inspection MPI Coils sets the company apart from any other offering Portable MPI Equipment. Western Instruments offers four very different Series of Coils: WA, WS, WP and WD Series. Our unique WD-Series Coils were born as End Area Coils for Oil well Drilling Tools (BHA Inspection), but have blossomed into versatile Magnetizing and Demagnetizing Tools.

Western Instruments Magnetic Coils: 4 Models Available

Western Instruments WA-Series
Magnetizing Coils
Western Instruments WS-Series
Magnetizing Coil
Western Instruments WP-Series
Magnetizing / Demagnetization Coils
Western Instruments WD-Series
Magnetizing / Demagnetization Coils
The WA-Series can be best described as Light Duty or Utility Grade Electromagnetic Inspection Coils. These powerful AC Coils are offered in four models: WA-8 (8" or 203mm), WA-10 (10" or 254mm), WA-12(12" or 305mm) and WA-14 (14" or 356mm). As an entry level Mag Coil, the WA-Series of AC Magnetizing Coils are very economically priced. The WS-Series are extremely powerful Pulse DC Coils, considered Drill Pipe End Area Coils. For seasoned Pipe Inspectors this is a 21st Century version of the very successful Smith International Drilco® Coils. Similar to the Drilco Coils, Western offers WS-Series in 4 (not 3 ID sizes; WS-8 (203mm), WS-10 (254mm), WS-12 (305mm) and WS-14 (356mm). All WS Coils weigh under 20 pounds (9kg)! The WP-Series are medium duty AC/DC Coils offering a true Pulsed DC output. The WP-Series are available in 4 ID Sizes: 203mm (8"), 254mm (10"), 305mm (12") and 356mm (14") with various Control Options. Base unit is AC only, first option is Pulse DC, upgradeable to Infinitely Variable DC, with the last upgrade being Reversible Polarity to allow for Demagnetization. Thus a 12" model can be: WP-12, WP-12D, WP-12DV or WP-12DVR. No other Magnetic Coil Manufacturers offer these features. The WD-Series are heavy duty Coils being equipped with Infinitely variable DC output, and Reversing Polarity, so they have gained a Worldwide reputation for their ability to Demagnetize. These Mag Demag Coils are offered with numerous Options, including: AC, Pulse DC, Automatic Ring Down, and numerous Mechanical options for protection, mounting and manipulation. WD-Series Coils are offered in numerous ID sizes from 8 5/8" (219mm) to 60" (1524mm) with the larger sizes applicable for Pipeline Pre-Weld Demagnetization.

Pre-Weld Demagnetization ensures less weld area defects, and faster welding by eliminating Arc Blow. Our WDV-PD Series Coils have set a standard for Pipeline PreWeld DeMag, providing fast and complete demagnetization of Pipe from 2" to 56".

Western Instruments Magnetic Coils: Selecting Portable Coils

We refer to AC Coils as “toys” as they have limited effective applications. Why? AC Coils only introduce a Skin Effect Field, which means they can only detect surface breaking defects. The surface affect on an AC field stops at the end of a workpiece, and does not create a return field on the inside surface of a pipe.

Industry demanded Strong DC Coils to detect Subsurface Defects, simply because DC or a Permanent Field is better for MPI. Traditional applications for Coils is for Fasteners, Shafts, Bars, and Tubes, where stress and fatigue cracks are masked by surface metal smear, such as under bearings races, or thread cracks. AC fields will not detect these slightly subsurface cracks, but a DC field will. Conversely a DC Field is just as capable to detect Surface Breaking Defects as an AC Field. There is a tremendous amount of MPI performed on Pipe ends, and a DC field is induced to both the OD and ID surfaces of a hollow end, such as Female Threads.

DC is may times stronger that an AC field, and a DC field is permanent, while an AC field is only temporary. Most magnetism found in Ferro Magnetic Material has been induced by a Permanent Field. A Permanent Field can only be removed by a reversing and reducing DC Field. An AC Field will not remove a Permanent Field, only the skin, and soon magnetism returns to the surface by magnetic creep. Thinking that an AC Field works for difficult inspections, simply demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the affects of a magnetic field on Magnetic Particle Inspection.

Western Instruments Magnetic Coils Series: Videos